Miami please check out @insideout11m #insideout11m @igersmiami
Miami please check out @insideout11m #insideout11m @igersmiami
Im on the freedom tower! #insideout11m @daexpose
#insideout11m @daexpose
#ripreefa #justiceforisraelhernandez #miami #immigration #reform #insideout11m #downtown #wheatpaste #freedomtower #fun #oops #ripreefa go get you #picture taken in a #truck #photobooth Me yes thats me on top left and one of my girls I mentor and her mom from #haiti #much #love #rise #above @spindalis305
#miami #ripreefa #justiceforisraelhernandez #freedomtower #insideout11m #immigration #reform go #downtown get your #picture taken #wheatpaste #slaps #stickers #oops @spindalis305
#insideout11m #miami The photo booth truck. @octaviodiaz
#InsideOut11M in Miami @thedreamisnow
#InsideOut11M in Miami @thedreamisnow
#InsideOut11M in Miami @thedreamisnow
#InsideOut11M in Miami @thedreamisnow
#InsideOut11M in Miami @thedreamisnow
Freedom Tower #downtown #Miami #insideout11m #insideoutproject @seoyogini
Pic of Ani & I, pasted on the Freedom Tower #insideout11m #insideoutproject #Miami @FL @seoyogini
My girls, Ani & Nadjy #insideout11m #insideoutproject #Miami #FL @seoyogini
Contributing to the #insideout11M project, porque ¡juntos podemos! @ericbittle @jr #immigrationreform #sanantoporvida #esperanza #artforthesakeofhummanity @elysenb
#insideout11M @ericbittle
Ha! #yesterday #insideout11m #insideoutproject @summerbreeeazy
#insideout11M #picstitch this initiative has travelled the US creating a portrait of america #freedoomtower #miami @eloele
The benefits of volunteerism. #insideout11m @octaviodiaz
#insideout11M Miami is taking place at the Freedom Tower from today until Saturday. We're on a break now, but make sure to come back from 4PM until 7PM. @insideout11m
#Insideout11m @amercadopr
Looking good San Antonio! But we need more faces! #insideout11m #insideoutproject @insideout11m
#insideout11m truck, tower. @octaviodiaz
#insideout11m @octaviodiaz
Adorbs. #insideout11m @octaviodiaz
CNN en Español videographer. #insideout11m @octaviodiaz
Good day at work? Or best day at work. #freedomtower #famous #insideout11m @jessiferrr
Photo for #INSIDEOUT11M. Look for my face on the Freedom Tower today. @eric731
Got my photo taken for the Inside Out project. I moved by accident, but it worked out. Told them to put me above a cute girl. #INSIDEOUT11M @snapsnaps
CNN en Español taping the paste up #insideout11m @octaviodiaz
Portrait of the volunteer. #insideout11M @octaviodiaz
Happening right now at Freedom Tower in Miami #insideout11M @octaviodiaz
Wheat pasting my face for JR #streetart #JR #freedomtower #miami #wolfson #tedproject #MDCArtsImThere @ladystanwyck
Ok, #miami, #insideoutproject is yours for the weekend! See schedule above. #weareindustry #insideout11m @insideout11m @insideoutproject @industryinstagram
Hey Miami we're ready to #insideout11m! Come to the Freedom Tower and have your picture taken! @insideout11m
Hello Miami, it's #insideout11m time! Meet us at the Freedom Tower from 11AM on. @insideout11m
Don't we love the way little kids like Rebecca, from San Antonio, can #makeastrongface ? It's #insideout11m time in Miami, FL, today! We'll be at the Freedom Tower (600 Biscayne Blvd), starting at 11AM. Come Make a Strong Face to show your support to the Immigration Reform. @insideout11m
Supporting #immigration #babygirl #mellowbirdie @dancelikejunkie @mama_mushi
#insideout11m @jsarez
Magik Theatre turned #insideout in San Antonio, Tx. Be sure to join us tomorrow at the Esperanza Peace and Justice Center located at 922 San Pedro St from 11-2pm and 4-7pm #insideout11m #insideoutproject @insideout11m