@marc and I immortalized at the Department of Education #insideout11m #insideoutproject #dc @nahaltav

@tichango #insideout11m #insideoutproject @nahaltav

You'll see this posted somewhere in DC. #Insideout11m @jr #DopeMovement @mkamericana

Camera glitch but still fun to participate in @jr's #insideout11m project. @golightly

Almost left Inside/Out: Got my portrait just in time! #insideout11m #insideoutproject #art #portrait #art4 @bujubonchon

Got my #insideoutproject #portrait! #insideout11m #art4 #art @melodyinfocus

Getting immortalized by #JR global project #insideoutM11 #insideout in #DC. Down with the cause @franzavelli

Putting my shoe to good use #insideout11m #insideoutproject #dc @bujubonchon

Who thought I would pass up the opportunity to have a life sized photo of myself? #selfloveonoverdose #insideout11m #weareallone @yaadiemisfit

Our #undocuart pics! #immigrationreform #cir2013 #art4 #insideout11m #timeisnow @culturestrike @rsand7 @varysandino

Was a part of this cool art installation #insideout11m @mae2109

Covering the Department of Education plaza #insideout11m @insideout11m

Art in progress. #insideoutproject #insideout11m #dc #departmentofeducation @nahaltav

At the #DepartmentofEducation with the #insideoutproject #insideout11m #dc @nahaltav

A pic from the install at Casa de Maryland, a group that is fiercely fighting for the rights of migrant workers and families. #insideout11m #art4 @favianna1

Happening now in #DC! #insideout11m celebrating all those fighting against unjust immigration laws. #art4 @favianna1

#insideout11m #immigration #dc #downtownlove @mr_kym

Showing Support To #insideout11m Project #immigration #dc #downtownlove @mr_kym

Brotherly inside outs. We had too much fun obviously. #insideout11m #insideoutproject @aemceekay

Interns at the Muslims Public Affairs council #insideout11m @insideout11m

#insideout11m at the Department of Education in DC! Join us! Until 6pm @insideout11m

Mikey's inside out. @insideout11m #insideout11m @aemceekay

My inside out. @insideout11m #insideout11m @aemceekay

The #jentern pasting her on @insideout11m picture at the Dept. of Ed. @jenscott418 #insideout11m #dc #us #deptofed @eclectic_ina

Et tu @rose_inks ? #insideoutproject #washingtondc #dc #unionmarket #northeast @egiron78

Your daily dose of #insideout11m adorableness, brought to you by @insideoutproj @llbrock

Pasting at the Department of Education plaza! #insideout11m until 6pm come @insideout11m

@insideout11m stopped by today! Good project, good people. @golightly

Got my picture taken! #insideOutProject #picstitch #InsideOut11M @jr @mkamericana